Busy Busy Busy

Summer is here, and the time is right, but why on earth do we do it to ourselves? We literally get so excited with the warm weather that we try to fit it all in.

Lots of folks get so caught up in the longer days and welcoming heat, that they run themselves ragged. Up in the morning, they run out for coffee, then back home for breakfast and to read the paper, before gathering the family up for a bike ride, or trip to the lake catching lunch on the run somewhere in between. Then it is off to dinner and a movie. It is manic, but it is summer, right?

Wouldn't it be better if we treated an average weekend like we do vacation? I'm not talking about a 'bicycle trek across Russia' vacation, I am talking about a 'sit by the pool' vacation. For our family, when we go on vacation, we plan a few activities over the course of a week, but we also schedule a lot of inactive down time too. That is what recharges our batteries the best, a little good for nothing time wasting and enjoying the moment.

So why do we feel the need to fill every moment with another activity, another something to run across town to? If the key to relaxation is actually relaxing, why not relax? When the heat is on outside, why not sit in front of a fan and act like it was a tropical breeze? Sure, you would need to use your imagination, and the kids would surely start complaining after a few minutes, but then a beautiful thing would happen (I hope). They would begin entertaining themselves. They would all of a sudden get up the gumption to drag out the hose and water the yard as they jump through the sprinkler. Sure they would drag grass into the house on wet feet, but we are relaxing. As soon as it dries, we can sweep it up.

Its summer, the heat costs you nothing, and if you have ever torn a muscle or been to a physical therapist you know, heat relaxes. So, give in and get with the relaxing. Let yourself.

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